
spiritual logic

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nuestra Casa. Nuestras Flores.

This is my lil' house. Cute, not?

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Devil and the Lamb

A big scorpion and two little lambs.

Could've the same God created both?

Yuppers. Just turns out that we don't like the little sharp thingy on the tip of Mr.Scorpions tail. He needs the protection, after all.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Stiches and Staff

I got to watch Ashley stitch a guys leg up today. He'd chapiared himself with a machete.

We had to take staff pictures the other day...

And like I've always said, whatever photo skills I have, they aren't applied much when it comes to formal people pictures. :-( But o well.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Few Pictures of the San Pedro River

Happy Thanksgiving folks! No, we don't celebrate it down here :-( at least as a holiday, but we are very thankful for all that God has done for us! So while all of you all were eating turkey and stuffing, we were eating Tomalis and enjoy a cooler day!

The other morning around 7:00 I went with Jeff up the river to pick up a guy. Mornings and evenings are so incredibly beautiful here!

Check out our cool dugout! It's as tipsy as anything I've paddled, but it handles incredibly well.

You all take Care!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Antigua, Guatemala

A few pictures from around Antigua! Such a beautiful place! I really enjoyed my time there studying!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I had the chance yesterday to go with the mission pilot on a flight in the mission's plane. It was great fun. Especially when the dirt (or mud, since it's been raining) runway we were trying to land on had cows on it and we had to do a fly by and try again. Due to the weather conditions we did an instrument approach on the return home, which was very interesting to see how it worked.

The Mission Airplane: I should have taken a picture after we got back to the mission. It looked like we had done some major mudding with the machine.

The Guatemala countryside outside of the city:

James, our pilot doing what pilots do:

Guatemala City:

Welcome to Guatemala Airport!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 1 Goes Well

There's a remodel job going on of the MAM office... So I attempted to make myself useful -even though I've never laid block before...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

un bien viaje

A few pictures from the flight down:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Colour of Fall

Fall is beautiful -another bright taste of who we serve!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Prayer Card

The following picture was taken by Eldon Yoder, 2009. Please observe copyright:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Corvette

I'm not ashamed to say that the Corvette is a favorite of mine. It's very, very fast. It's wonderfully sleek. It's rides beautifully, and the ZR1 can keep close tabs on a Lamborghini (see article).

I took the following pictures in Roanoke:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Wonders of Contrast

I've been discovering that sometimes what at first look like plain ordinary and even downright bad picture, will sometimes -with a little tweaking- become something extraordinaire. And since I've always been a fan of the extraordinaire...

The following pictures were once just plain, ugly, boring, etc, pictures:

Credit to Mr. Eldon Yoder for the shot of George and I.

Monday, October 5, 2009


One of my favorite things to take pictures of is Sunsets. So much contrast and excellent color. And sunsets are a lot easier to take pictures of than sunrises because you actually are up and around when they happen!

They're especially special because I didn't seem them a whole lot in Nicaragua. I'm looking forwards to seeing them in Sta. Rosita -and i suppose I'll be seeing a good many more sunrises there as well!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Bug May Appease You?

Here's a few pictures of my favorite bugs. Actually just two. They're both favorite -just the first one here is more favorite than the other.

Now honestly, this bug here has got to be one of the meanest, nastiest critters of them all. He has the temperament of a drunk and has got some serious issues on nasty hiney: The Bear Hornet

This critter here. The DRAGON of our state:

This would be a rather close up shot of the head of a....

stink bug.

These little guys are just covered with beautiful little -and no doubt- stinky green spots.