
spiritual logic

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nuestra Casa. Nuestras Flores.

This is my lil' house. Cute, not?

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Devil and the Lamb

A big scorpion and two little lambs.

Could've the same God created both?

Yuppers. Just turns out that we don't like the little sharp thingy on the tip of Mr.Scorpions tail. He needs the protection, after all.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Stiches and Staff

I got to watch Ashley stitch a guys leg up today. He'd chapiared himself with a machete.

We had to take staff pictures the other day...

And like I've always said, whatever photo skills I have, they aren't applied much when it comes to formal people pictures. :-( But o well.